Saturday 7 September 2019

Peppa Pig gone Bad

Saturday 7th September

Took a walk around the shops south of the school as I’ve not been there on my own yet.  Found an art shop, bought a pack of four decent looking brushes for a quid.  Great value, but nothing in the shop seems to be marked with a price, but it’s cheap all the same.  The majority of everything around here are places to eat, many offering take aways.

Some hilarious products in the supermarket including this pack of jellies adorned with what I’m calling Peppa Pig’s teenage rebellious years.

Evening went to a flat moving/general start of year party with colleagues.  Surprising how many people you can squeeze into one of these flats!  Got some advice on shopping for plants, my flat looks very white and empty at the moment and I’ve always wanted a place full of plants.

Tried a Chinese spirit - Baijiu.  Apparently there are many types but this was distinctly from the cheaper end of the market, with a distinct aroma of turpentine and a taste to match, I’d suggest thinning paints with it.

A view from the window, as I don’t live on a high floor, it’s like the cityscape of Blade Runner.

Sunday 8th September

Headed around for more games with friends.  We spent a lot of time creating characters for a Lord of the Rings game, I have a Rider of Rohan.  The book wasn’t the best organised, but now we are set for a game in the near future. The wife of a colleague made dinner, delicious, all the best food I’ve eaten here are hers, it’s amazing what can be done with just two hobs, she regularly makes half a dozen dishes.  Was complemented on my use of chopsticks?!  Must be learning.  Later played Magic the Gathering, had forgotten how long some of these multiplayer games can be...

Monday 9th September

Flag raising was cancelled in place of a rather informal ‘fire drill’.  No fire bell evident, staff watched from the windows as pupils made the slowest exit I’ve seen from a building.  Unsure what the point of it all was, I don’t think they typically bother with this stuff here.

I’m supposed to be running a Backgammon club at school, few takers but some interest and some girls that got very excited playing their first games.  I think I will join the Chess club to support that and offer the option there for those that want to play shorter games.

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